3 Tips for Interior Design that Supports & Encourages those New Years Goal

3 Tips for Interior Design that Supports & Encourages those New Years Goal

When we turn the page on a new year, it can be a time to set intentions around our home, and how we want to feel in it. The spaces we create in our homes have a direct impact on our mood, emotions, and the energy we feel when we’re in them. A new year is often when we set goals for health and lifestyle, so we’ve rounded up some simple ways design can support some common New Years resolutions.

1.) Design Decreases Stress & Gives You Back Control

An organized home, where everything has a designated place, functions more efficiently, and ultimately creates a more calm environment. When we’re designing a space, we plan areas that will lend themselves to organization: designated drop zones for keys and mail. It could be a cabinet counter in a mudroom, or a small table or desk with a basket for keys, and a letter organizer for mail. Getting family members in the habit of putting these items in one place every day helps reduce chaos and confusion.

2.) Design Makes Room for Daily Meditation & Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness may be part of a resolution to benefit mental health. Carving out a space that is conducive to meditation, journaling, prayer, or a hobby can be incredibly helpful in the pursuit of mindfulness. Maybe it’s a comfy chair, a room that’s quiet and tech-free, or a table or desk that gets beautiful natural light. Knowing that an area is your dedicated space for quiet time will help with consistency and focus.

3.) Design Propels Your Desire for More Physical Activity

The key to establishing good physical activity habits is to choose what you enjoy doing. When setting activity goals, think about the ones you enjoy, and create spaces that encourage those things. Love yoga? Designate an area where you can control lighting and temperature to help create a home studio environment. Committed to walking? Keep your shoes, music gear, hat, etc in a place that makes it easy to grab and go.

The resolutions we make at New Years often aren’t the easiest things to do - otherwise, we’d already be doing them! Having a home or environment that supports our goals makes it more likely that we’ll create the good habits that will get us to our goals!

Need help designing a home that supports the way you want to live? That’s what we do.

Reach out and let’s chat.



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