Let's see...what else have I got?

Wow, you all were decidedly not interested in baby Oliver's to-be rockin' nursery. Four comments? ..and I worked my tail off on that board, too. Sads.

Well...how about this? We learned yesterday that baby #3 is another GIRL!! From the get-go, I figured we were destined to have girls, but I took one of those Gender Predictor tests, and it said Boy. So, I had sort of gotten used to the idea that we'd have an XY child in the mix. Turns out, I should've trusted my instincts, as an ultrasound tells no lie, and a baby girl it is. No worries, though, she's looking perfect, and we're delighted and blessed for that.

Still not what you're looking for?

OK - how about some pretty rooms...The latest Lonny killed it. Sent me into some kind of design schizophrenia.

The house full of creamy (and in some cases, contrasting) neutrals have me seriously questioning my devotion to color...
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...and then I spy glossy persimmon and aqua velvet (the fabric, not the aftershave), and I feel a tugging at my soul.
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Lacquered walls - will we ever get over it? Not when it's this good.
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How perfect would this be to reflect our overseas life?
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Hey! They're mooching off my inspiration!
3-D butterfly art, Lonny Style:
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3-D Butterfly art: Casa G Style:

Lonny's Glossy Turquoise Bureau:
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My Glossy Turquoise Bureau:

See? We are of equal, rad style.

This pink couch, amid all this amazing natural light, gives me huge amounts of inspiration for when we move to Rio. What? Did I just say that? It's a secret, so shush.
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Now for the quiz:
1) What two things did I reveal in this post?
2) What Missoni item did you snag from someone else's cart yesterday at TarJAY?

Meal Planning for this week?

Style Board: Oliver's Nursery