Large and In Charge Art

This morning, I took a large piece of art to the frame shop.  When it's all said and done, it should be a little more than a meter wide and tall.  Coolness.  I'm absolutely chomping at the bit to see it, and can only assume you are as well, so I'll be sure to share later this week.

I also guess you're wondering about my progress with the cleanse.  Well, I'm not quite done - these are my last two days, so I'll hold final judgement.  What I WILL say is I feel incredible.  More to come on that, too.
 So, basically, I'm all-around stalling.  Not purposely holding out goodness from you, but
 also not quite ready to share. 
In the meantime, I'll leave you with some giant art goodness and also REMIND you to

register for the $500 stationary giveaway I'm hosting with 123Print.  Go HERE to do it!

Bigger is better.

Nursery Werk

Giveaway: Cards to Pimp Yo-Self!