Labors of Love

About a year ago, I decided to find some direction with my interest in Interior Design. I've been blogging here since August 2008, yet still felt driven to do more than talk about all things interiors. I started working with an amazing Life Coach, and found out that not only is design my true passion - it's what I want to do.  Unfortunately, I also had a lot of internal gremlins lurking in my heart, saying things like, "Are you talented enough?" "Will anyone actually pay you to help them decorate their home?" "Is now even a good time to start this kind of venture?"

Confidence isn't exactly my strong suit - especially when it comes to comparing myself with all the other amazing and talented bloggers and designers out there. 

 If you've followed me long enough, you know I dabbled with posts saying I was more or less putting myself out there for design work, and I did begin to work with some clients. Then, in November, I lost my baby at 27 weeks, and for obvious reasons, any thoughts of starting an actual business took a back seat. 

Funny how time and your passions drive you, though, and in my case, someone who kept reminding me that I was working towards something I cared greatly about. 

 It's taken a lot of mental flexing to get to this place. To wrap my brain around the idea that I DO in fact have what it takes. I DO have a unique style and perspective on design, and that dammit, I LOVE IT and want to share! 

 And so...on Wednesday** {heart beating ridiculously as I type}

alison giese Interiors

will be revealed. I can't. wait. for you to see it, and hope you'll join me for a little virtual toast - to Labors of Love.

**Update - Having a LOT of technical difficulties with the new site/blog, so what was supposed to be launch day turned out to be a big, fat fizzle, but hopefully, it will all be resolved very soon.  So, sit tight, peeps!

Website is for REALZ!

We interrupt this blogcation...